Legal Blog

Treatment In Lieu of Jail for Felony Drug Charges

18 March 2020 | Case Results,  Drug Charges,  

Attorney Sean Hessler

Written by
Sean Hessler

18 March 2020

Case Results,  Drug Charges,  

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We recently helped a man struggling with drug addiction when he was charged with an F2 felony for possession with intent to distribute (PWID). Apparently, the police were investigating someone else for selling meth, but our client was witnessed tossing a bag of narcotics so he contacted a Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer. We negotiated with the prosecution for a result that would help our client, rather than send him to jail. We ultimately agreed to a four year suspended sentence for a reduced possession charge and had him admitted to drug treatment.

The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.