As Indianapolis criminal defense lawyers, at Hessler Law, we are keenly aware that drug addiction is often a component of criminal behavior. Without these substances in your life, you would have no motivation to break the law. However, you may have been led to write bad checks, steal, or commit fraud in order to fuel your addiction. You may have been charged with disorderly conduct, assault, or a DUI while you were on drugs. You may also have been falsely targeted by the police because of your history of drug use. Strong prescription medications and controlled substances constantly fuel a desire for another high, which can lead you to take extraordinary measures to obtain more and stronger substances.
If you are currently facing an offense while battling addiction, call Indianapolis drug lawyer Sean Hessler at (317) 886-8800 to learn more about seeking drug addiction treatment resources and defending yourself in court.
Knowing When it Is Time to Ask for Help
It is all too easy to become involved with drugs. You might have been exposed to drugs at home, work, or through friends. You may have tried a new drug believing it would be fun, to manage anxiety or depression, or simply to blow off steam. With such wide accessibility, it is reasonable to see how easily your drug use can spiral out of control. However your journey began, it can be difficult to realize when it is time to ask for professional help in overcoming your addiction.
It is time to seek drug addiction treatment if you:
- Experience withdrawal symptoms when you do not take the drugs
- Lost your job or are unable to maintain steady employment because of drug use
- Failed classes or were expelled from school because of drug use
- Are unable to pay your bills because your money is spent on drugs
- Hide your drug use from friends and family
- No longer have close relationships with family and friends
- Suffer from health problems caused by drug use
- Have been in a vehicle accident due to drug use
- Were charged with a DUI because of driving while on drugs
- Are facing criminal charges related to drug possession
- You are facing criminal charges for conduct to further of your addition
Private In-Patient & Out-Patient Treatment
Indiana has a wealth of resources for drug treatment, which includes private for- and not-for-profit facilities. You can work through either in-patient treatment, where you live at the rehabilitation center for a period of time, or out-patient treatment, where you live on your own or in a half-way house and attend treatment sessions at the center.
You can find many of these options through Indiana Addictions Issues Coalition at or through Drug Rehab Services at
Government-Funded Drug Treatment Options
Private drug rehabilitation can be costly, which is why the U.S. government and Indiana offer a variety of substance abuse treatment options at a lower cost. Indiana has many out-patient substance abuse programs, such as Friends Care, which is an out-patient program for individuals on probation or parole.
Donation-Based Rehabilitation Opportunities
There are also low-cost drug rehabilitation options outside of government-funded programs, which are often linked to incarceration. For more information, contact:
- House of Hope of Madison County, Inc., a United Way agency
- Salvation Army Harbor Light
- Fairbanks Indianapolis Rehab
Receiving Treatment During Incarceration
Additionally, treatment is not out of the question when you are required to spend time in jail or prison. For instance, the Indiana Department of Correction’s Substance Abuse Program is available in all of the state’s facilities. If your sentence is considered appropriate for the program, you will be admitted based on your earliest possible release date. In order to participate, you will be required to sign a document stating that you are willing to abide by behavioral rules, complete homework assignments, and submit to urine drug tests. If you complete rehabilitation during your incarceration, you may receive time off your sentence.
Other options for drug addiction treatment during incarceration include:
- Therapeutic Communities (TC), which specialize in intensive therapy and are a minimum of 8 months. They are located at 5 IDOC facilities with 1,200 openings.
- Clean Lifestyle is Freedom Forever (CLIFF), which is a TC specifically designed for methamphetamine users.
- Alcoholics anonymous, narcotics anonymous, and crystal meth programs.
- Forever Free, a drug treatment program for incarcerated women that lasts from 4 to 6 months.
Indianapolis Criminal Defense Attorney Sean Hessler Can Help
If your drug use has led to trouble with the law, it is time to seriously look into a drug addiction treatment as well as a criminal defense attorneys in Indianapolis. Getting the help you need for addiction is the best way to move forward after criminal allegations. a conviction, or to avoid returning court. Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer Sean Hessler understands the powerful connection between drug addiction and crime. I
If you have been charged with an offense because of your addiction or you were falsely accused by the police because of your known drug use, Indianapolis defense attorney Sean Hessler will help you receive the treatment you need while aggressively defending you in court. You deserve the strongest defense available to you under the law as well as compassion in understanding how a drug addiction has altered your life.
Call Hessler Law today at (317) 886-8800 to schedule a free initial consultation.