Home | Dismissal in Battery Case

Not long ago, a 34-year-old painter was charged with multiple crimes stemming from an argument with his wife where he allegedly attempted to drive away, dragging her with the car. This exposed him two and a half years behind bars for a Level 6 felony for criminal recklessness, an A misdemeanor for domestic battery, and a misdemeanor for battery.
With our extensive experience in battery cases, he reached out to talk to an Indianapolis criminal defense lawyer at Hessler Law for help. Lawyer Sean Hessler interviewed all the witnesses, but no one could confirm that she was dragged down the street. Additionally, no witnesses admitted to seeing the domestic battery. Hessler aggressively fought for his client and presented the weaknesses in the prosecutor’s case. Based on this lack of evidence, the prosecutor agreed with attorney Hessler and the case was dismissed.
The outcome of an individual case depends on a variety of factors unique to that case. Case results do not guarantee or predict a similar result in any similar or future case.